

Naminukas LT

Lina, the soul of the Naminukas LT store, which brings together the best country’s farmers in one place, says that she has had a long-term dream of creating a space where people can buy high-quality products from different farmers in our country. When creating this place, the most important thing is the quality of products says Lina and the whole “Naminukas LT” team. Natural milk, raw meat, fresh vegetables, smoked products – in the store you will find everything that has been grown and produced in Lithuania for a long time. When you visit the Benedict’s Market behind the counter, you will always see Lina herself – she spends every day in here. “I know that by communicating directly and being close to customers, I can best hear their needs,” the woman smiles and invites for a  visit.

Phone for inquiries – +37069543984